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Payment methods in Australia

Australians love ecommerce as much as they love a game of backyard cricket. One of the world's most developed ecommerce markets in terms of volume, Australians are also the second-most likely population to buy online from overseas businesses. Pair this with its world-renowned retail and tourism sectors, and you can see why Australia is an attractive market to enter.

Cards dominate the Australian payments landscape, both in-store and online, but alternative payment methods are growing in popularity. Aussies are all aboard the ‘buy now, pay later’ train, with the likes of Afterpay and Zip contributing to 43% growth in 2020. Eftpos is Australia’s local debit card scheme with 49 million cards in circulation. These come in a mix of proprietary cards, dual-branded (with Visa or Mastercard), or to a lesser extent, as prepaid cards. Wallets including Apple Pay and Google Pay ™ are growing. 65% of in-store payments are contactless with the PIN limit set at $100AUD.

Businesses in Australia can benefit from higher card authorization rates by using our local acquiring solution. Processing domestically also means you’ll benefit from the Australian Interchange fees cap.



Australian dollar

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