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Payment methods in Poland

Poland’s ecommerce market is one of Europe’s most dynamic, with a 30% increase in 2020. Worth €15bn and with strong overall ecommerce and further mcommerce growth anticipated, it’s one to watch.

Located in the centre of Europe makes Poland a natural fit as a tech and financial hub for Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and beyond, with a variety of gaming companies, ecommerce sites, and retailers calling it home. The Polish market is easy to enter, with no local entity required and like-for-like settlement supported.

Offering local bank transfer methods, cards, and BLIK are essential to success. BLIK is Poland’s most popular local payment method; established by six of the major banks in 2015, it has access to 95% of the market. 35% pay for ecommerce goods with online banking and 30% using BLIK. The use of these options have decreased reliance on other methods like cash on delivery and paying with cash in-store via click-and-collect.



Polish zloty

Cards per capita
