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How can marketing teams benefit from cross-channel payments data?

Discover how omnichannel businesses are using Data Connect for Marketing to drive personalization and increase customer loyalty.

August 7, 2023
 ·  6 minutes

For many, the purchase journey goes like this: search for a product online then buy it in-store. Since customers don't usually identify themselves in-store, businesses often have the wrong perception of where their customers are in their buying journey. As a result, they frequently target shoppers with online advertisements for products they already purchased.

With 82% of all retail transactions occurring in physical stores, many omnichannel businesses make decisions with incomplete data. Despite their efforts to capture more in-store data, for instance by prompting customers to identify themselves through apps, many retailers still struggle to connect in-store behavior to customers’ online profiles. As a result, marketing teams allocate their budgets with limited visibility on actual customer behavior, only accurately capturing online transactions.

Data Connect for Marketing addresses this issue. It connects cross-channel transactions using unique payment identifiers and creates complete customer profiles, allowing businesses to easily access insights into their customers and recognize them across all channels. This helps them make informed decisions, allocate resources wisely, and deliver unified experiences in today's dynamic environment.

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