Tech partner


Capta Technology brings a complete solution to the jewelry market.

About Capta

Capta Technology brings a complete solution to the jewelry market for point of sale, including a POS with various important functionalities such as products linked to barcode and photos for enhanced operational security, as well as invoice issuance and generation of fiscal files, all within the same module, without the need for new integrations, and with the same user interface.

"CAPTA believes that the appropriate use of technology is a differential in the competition of an increasingly competitive market in all segments. Having a partner like Adyen helps us to combine our solutions with the most modern payment solutions available."

Hilton Yama · Owner da CAPTA Tecnologia.

Steps to get started


The CAPTA-PDV module has been certified as PAF-ECF since its first version in 2009, it is registered throughout Brazil, and is in use in 24 states, fully complying with all Retail legislation.


Its PAF-ECF functionalities include Pre-Sale, DAV on Fiscal and Non-Fiscal printers. It allows for the issuance of NF-e (DANFE), Electronic Service Invoices, and generation of fiscal files, all within the same module, without integrations, and with the same user interface.


The use of Credit Card transactions through this module enables the use of the Automatic Financial Reconciliation module within CAPTA-ERP, matching the transactions made at the POS with those sent by the card issuers, facilitating the challenging process of verifying the credits from Card transactions.

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