Customer stories

ticketscript uses omnichannel to increase ticket sales

ticketscript provides events with a streamlined solution to manage ticket sales both online and at the door.

March 8, 2016
 ·  4 minutes
Person using Adyen payment terminal at a busy event registration desk.

ticketscript is the European market leader in digital self-ticketing and handling ticket sales for events across Europe.

From music festivals, to fairs and exhibitions, ticketscript help clients sell millions of tickets for their events.

This was an ideal set-up for music events, where tickets typically sell out in advance. But for fairs and exhibitions, where people prefer to buy on the door, events managers needed an additional partner to sell tickets at the point of sale.

With multiple partners, managers didn't have a full view of their ticket sales. Which meant ticketscript could only ever sell a proportion of the tickets.

The ticketscript ticketbox that accepts ticket sales

The Ticketbox solution for ticket sales

With our support, ticketscript came up with a solution called Ticketbox. It's a self-contained point of sale kit that can be set-up in any environment. 

Each Ticketbox comes with a wireless payment terminal installed with our software. They're able to accept contactless payments, and a wide range of cards.

A person making a payment for a ticket sale

Armed with just a pin terminal and a tablet, staff can sell tickets, or event merchandise, from any location.

Because all ticket sales are processed via the Adyen, event managers get a complete overview of their ticket sales. This covers online and at the door, in real-time.

This not only helps them stay within venue capacity, but gives instant insight into potential issues and make adjustments on the spot.

Events managers can deliver the best experience, drive sales and run more successful events.

Close up shot of someone making a contactless ticket sale with their mobile

Watch: ticketscript goes omnichannel with Adyen

We spoke with Founder and Director of Product, Ruben van der Huevel at ticketscript. As well as Program manager at Dutch Design Week Tim Vermeulen about ticketscript goingomnichannelwith Adyen.

Find out more about ticketscript using Adyen by watching the video below.

Full video transcript

Ruben van der Heuvel:

We started Ticketscript because we saw gap for both event organizers and ticket buyers.

Event organizers didn't have a good way of selling tickets via the internet. And ticket buyers had to go to a store, or they had to be sent home these tickets. It cost us five, six euros per ticket, and we thought, "Well, we can do that easier."

We started in music festivals, clubs. But now our system can be used by all kinds of businesses. So we also do fairs and exhibitions - Dutch Design Week for instance.

Actually, if you sell tickets, you can almost always use our system.

As we did with e-ticketing or online ticketing, we thought, "We can do the same thing for ticketing on the door. There should be an easier way," so we developed Ticketbox. Actually, together with Adyen and came up with a great solution together.

Tim Vermeulen:

What is so fantastic about Dutch Design Week is that it attracts almost a quarter of a million people in nine days in October.

It's all about technology and innovation, so for us, ticketing needs to be cutting-edge.

It needs to be with new technology. A complete experience, but it also about not waiting around, because we want them here to see all the designs.

Ruben van der Heuvel: 

Because we moved to omnichannel, we are now able to sell 100% of the tickets. So where before we could only do online ticket sales, we might sell up to 70, 80% of ticket sales. But now we can also take the sales on the door. This allows us to sell out 100% of the events.

Adyen helps us to redirect all these transactions into one account. So it's very easy for our customers to see in one glance what the entire sales are. So whether that be via Ticketbox, online - they have a direct and real-time overview of their sales.

If you can imagine, if there's one box office that's not selling that well, they can see it directly in their dashboard. Because it's all in real time they can say, "Well, we either close that one, or we maybe have to scale up because it's very busy at that entrance". That's really convenient.

We thought our clients could be more successful. And we think we are the right partner to give them the tools to be more successful.

By partnering up with a professional party like Adyen, I think we can offer the best service to them.

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