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AFIR: How the new EU-directive affects your EV-charging business

In this blog, we go through the key takeaways from the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), what it means for your EV-charging business, and your payment setup.

March 26, 2024
 ·  5 minutes

To ensure a smooth transition to an electric vehicle (EV) fleet, the European Union (EU) has created the new directive AFIR that will go into effect on April 13th. 

With more travelers taking their electric cars across borders, there’s a need for an overarching framework to make sure drivers anywhere can  charge their vehicle and reach their destination. 

Payments are one of the keys to make international charging go smoothly. Here’s what will change and how we can support your EV-charging business with effortless payments.

What’s changing for payments for EV-charging

To ensure that companies and travelers can feel safe knowing they can charge their electric vehicle anywhere in the EU, the AFIR directive demands that EV-charging stations implement changes for both payment methods and pricing.

Offer contactless payment methods and card readers

Charge Point Operators (CPOs) within the EU will be required to ensure effortless payments at their charging stations. This means that in 2024, all CPOs must accept contactless payments and payment cards.

Bank cards that are only used or issued in one country or QR-codes from national payment systems don’t meet this requirement.  

If your EV-charging stations offer QR code payments, drivers shouldn’t be led to a website with further steps. Instead, the QR code should lead directly to a secure checkout. The user should be able to pay directly through a payment application on their phone without having to sign a contract, sign up to a system, or provide an email address. 

How can Adyen help?

Our global infrastructure provides seamless cross-channel payments for point of sale (POS), ecommerce and in-app purchases. Our platform acts both as the gateway and acquirer for your payments, giving your EV-charging business full control of the payment flow and data. QR-codes, one-click checkouts, and other forms of express checkouts are readily available.

With a single integration, you get access to the latest contactless and other popular payment methods globally. Our global and local expertise will  help you stay compliant to new and existing EU legislation like AFIR or DCI.

Transparent pricing

Because charging points can differ in their ways of charging, pricing can be inconsistencies and lack transparency for the end-consumer.

The AFIR -legislation aims to enforce transparent and non-discriminatory prices. EV-charging companies can no longer apply additional charges to cross-border charging.

Before a consumer starts charging, the EV-charging provider must provide the end-consumer with all the relevant pricing information. The information needs to be freely available, be widely supported by electronic channels, and clearly differentiate between the different EV-pricing components that the end-consumer is charged with.

EV chargers must provide a clear overview of the price and all its components at the service station. Pricing information needs to include an indication of at least one of the following pricing components:

  • Price per session

  • Price per minute

  • Price per kWh

How can Adyen help?

Our payments setup can ensure that your point of purchase environments are aligned with the pricing transparency required by AFIR. Checkout environments are completely customizable, both on the POS, in app, and online. This helps you stay compliant with EU regulations while also optimizing conversion.

Your business can optimize conversion further by letting EV drivers move seamlessly between payment channels and use their preferred method of payment. At the same time, your business will have full visibility and control over the payment flow.

Create transparent pricing and stay compliant to AFIR

The EU has passed regulations on accessibility and transparency of EV-charging. This important legislative framework is created to help scale the transition to a sustainable electric vehicle fleet throughout the EU. 

If you’re looking for a provider that will help you scale your ambitions, stay compliant, and take your EV-charging to the next level, we can help. Our global reach and local expertise will make sure you’re regionally compliant and can create tailored payment experiences.

Want to learn more about how we can help you power up your EV-charging setup for the future of mobility? Contact us here.

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