Payment Methods

Explore popular payment methods around the world

Explore payment methods

Expand into new markets

Every country has its own special mode of payment. Make sure to offer local payment methods your customers use.

Reach more customers

Maximize your reach by adding customers' preferred payment method, whether it's digital wallets, card schemes or more.

Increase conversion

Local payment methods, processed using a local connection, are more likely to be approved by issuers.

One integration

Unlock key payment methods globally and connect to payment providers and acquirers with one integration.


Gain insights

Japan payments guide

From cash to convenience store, Japan is a curious region when it comes to payments. Japan is still a predominantly cash-based country, with the third-highest cash usage rate in the developed world.

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Payment methods are just part of the journey

Our knowledge hub is here to help you learn more about payments. From the essentials to vertical specific guides and reports.