Canadian Regulatory Disclosures
Information Summary and Fee Disclosure Box
The Information Summary Box and Fee Disclosure Box can be found here.
Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry for Canada
Adyen for its payment service activities in Canada commits to support and adhere to the voluntary Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry, introduced by the Minister of Finance on May 17, 2010. To review a copy of the Code, please visit the Canadian Ministry of Finance website.
90 days notice for fee increases
Adyen is committed to providing merchants at least 90 days of notice of any fee increases or the introduction of a new fee related to credit or debit transactions. The notice period allows merchants to assess the impact of the change on their overall processing costs. We support the Code of Conduct’s directive to allow merchants to opt out of their contracts with Adyen, without penalty, within 90 days of notice of the fee increase or the introduction of a new fee.
Effective merchant discount rate
In support of the Code of Conduct, we have added information to our merchant settlement report to detail the Effective Merchant Discount Rate. The effective merchant discount rate is calculated as the total fees paid by the merchant to Adyen, related to the processing of a specific type of payment card from a payment card network, divided by the total sales volume for that type of payment card. Please keep in mind that the charges will only appear if you accept the payment type during the billing period.