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We're matching donations for PRIDE all summer long

Everyone can be an ally. Get involved and activate Giving at checkout for our global Pride campaign.

June 14, 2023
 ·  3 minutes
We're matching donations for PRIDE all summer long

Our third global donations campaign for 2023 turns our focus to inclusivity. We will be partnering with three charities to ensure as much coverage for merchants as possible. As with other of our Moments that Matter campaigns, we will be matching all donations made via the platform forStonewall Community Foundation,Stonewall UKandMinus-18from June until the end of August.

"We’re excited to launch a global Pride campaign this year as we saw a lot of interest in Giving for Pride charities last year at this time," says Floris Dorgelo, Pride champion and Impact specialist at Adyen. "Many of our customers already have existing relationships with the cause, and Giving at checkout means they can involve their customers in their efforts."

What are “Moments that Matter”?

At moments throughout the year we will activate campaigns so our customers can fundraise as a community for a chosen cause.

In these instances, Adyen will match every donation made via the platform and provide participating brands with marketing and communications materials for customers and staff. These materials are pre-approved by the charities, so all required is simply for brands to choose how they show up on their website or in-store.

The below video speaks to our holiday campaign from December 2022 during which we partnered with UNHCR, WWF and Make a Wish.

North America: Stonewall Community Foundation

Stonewall was founded and named after the Stonewall riots in 1969 during which police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village in New York City. The raid sparked a riot among bar patrons and neighborhood residents as police roughly handled those inside - leading to six days of protests and violent clashes with law enforcement outside. 

With legislation against the freedoms of the LGBTQIA+ community in the US in local governments on the rise across the country, the foundation is working tirelessly in their fight against these restrictive laws and against the pervasive narrative as a whole. They also reach out to the communities their active in - taking part, educating and informing. And Pride is the most important time of the year to fundraise for these initiatives.

“Pride is always a cause for celebration, and it’s also a critical time of year for LGBTQ nonprofits when it comes to raising funds to keep our missions moving," notes Gattlin Miller, Community and Engagement Manager at the Foundation. "We’re so excited to partner with Adyen to raise funds at checkout. Not only do these customer donations fuel our work, but the campaign also spreads awareness of our organization to wide audiences – folks that we wouldn’t normally be able to reach!”

“We’re already seeing funds come in from rag & bone and Ralph Lauren customers, and the feedback has been great from the collaboration thus far.”

Gattlin MillerCommunity and Engagement Manager, Stonewall Community Foundation
Community dinner service with Stonewall Community Foundation

Community dinner service with Stonewall Community Foundation

UK & Rest of Europe: Stonewall

For the UK and Europe, we’re partnering withStonewall. Among the efforts Stonewall will champion using the funds raised will be ensuring LGBTQIA+ refugees have access to passages out of crisis - given the growing refugee crises caused by both man-made and natural emergencies this becomes of increasing importance. They’re also campaigning against the British government with a view to banning conversion therapies in the UK. And they're working to end unfair financial costs for LGBTQ+ couples getting IVF.

Australia: Minus-18

All donations raised forMinus-18during the month of June will go towards LGBTQIA+ education in schools. And for the rest of the summer the money will be allocated toward education and other initiatives close to the Australian landscape - social inclusion and creating safe places for people in the community to come together

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