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Amsterdam · October 30, 2024

Second warrant tranche of long-term contract between Adyen and eBay Inc. exercised

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Today, Adyen (ADYEN:AMS) issued 403,724 shares following eBay Inc.’s exercising of the second tranche of the warrant that entitles eBay Inc. to acquire a fixed number of Adyen shares in a series of four tranches subject to certain processing milestones being met.  These were exercised at €240 per share and represented 1.25% of Adyen’s issue-date diluted share volume. [1] For more detail on this agreement, please refer to our IPO prospectus and 2023 Financial Statements. Both can be found here.      [1] As of 30 October 2024 this also represents 1.25% of the Company’s fully diluted issued and outstanding share capital. Important Regulatory Notice

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