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Amsterdam · August 23, 2019

Adyen founders complete sale of approximately 15% of their holdings.

Adyen N.V. (“Adyen” or “Company”) [Euronext: ADYEN], announces that it has been informed that founders Pieter van der Does (CEO) and Arnout Schuijff (CTO) have completed the sale of 497,041 Adyen shares, corresponding to approximately 15% of their holdings in Adyen N.V., at a price per share equal to €622, resulting in gross proceeds of approximately €309 million.

The sale was carried out through an accelerated bookbuild offering to institutional investors and is expected to settle on 27 August 2019.

The reason for the sale was to diversify their portfolios and reduce single stock risk. Both Pieter and Arnout remain committed to Adyen in their current roles working on the long term strategy. This sale in no way reflects a change in their views on the company.

Pieter and Arnout will be subject to a lock-up commitment on their remaining Adyen shares for a period of 180 days from the closing of the placement.

J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs acted as Joint Bookrunners for the placement.

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