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It’s time to optimize your mobile checkout

Discover best practices to optimize your mobile checkout and improve mobile checkout conversion.

20 August, 2023
 ·  6 minutes

Mobile shopping is the top choice for consumers and is predicted to comprise 70% of all ecommerce sales by 2024. Many shoppers invest considerable time browsing for the right product. Once they find the product they want and proceed to the payment stage, they often face a complicated checkout consisting of multiple redirects and unfamiliar payment methods. Many businesses invest a lot in creating a user-friendly app or website while neglecting to optimize the checkout page. This often leads to failed payments and frustrated shoppers who don’t complete the payment, despite investing significant time in finding the desired product.

Did you know that 17% of cart abandonment is due to long and complicated checkout processes? These checkout processes consist of multiple redirects and often lack fast checkout options, ways to store card and shipping details, and enough or the right payment methods. 

It’s no longer a matter of supporting mobile; you need to do it right. This means optimizing your mobile checkout by creating dedicated interfaces for in-app and browser checkouts, offering fast checkout options, and enhancing the experience with security solutions. These best practices can enhance the overall experience, increase conversion, and improve customer retention.

Before we dive deeper into the best practices, let’s quickly recap the basics.

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What is a mobile checkout?

The mobile checkout is the environment where customers pay for their products. It can be in an app or a web browser, like Safari or Google Chrome. 

Since the mobile checkout is where shoppers are converted into customers, businesses need to put the same efforts into optimizing it as they do for the rest of the app or website.

If you’re thinking of creating an app or mobile website or want to improve the ones you already have, creating a consistent and smooth flow throughout the experience is essential.

Mobile checkout best practices

We’ve identified three best practices to optimize your mobile checkout. These include creating a dedicated interface, offering fast checkout options, and increasing security.

Create native mobile checkout experiences through dedicated interfaces

Redirecting your customers to a different page with a separate URL can be detrimental, especially on mobile devices where slower load times or timeouts are more likely to occur. Keeping your customers on the same page or within your app is central to reducing cart abandonment.

By creating a native experience for mobile and in-app checkouts, you can cut the redirects and host the entire payment within the app or on the web browser. This will keep shoppers on your site, increase conversion, and ensure they receive a brand-consistent experience. Native experiences also have a responsive design that automatically detects the device's screen size and adjusts the payment process accordingly.

To provide native payment experiences, you need to create a dedicated interface for your mobile checkout. With Adyen, you can easily build a dedicated interface through our Web SDKs for mobile browser checkouts, Mobile SDKs for in-app checkouts on Android or iOS, or our Cross-platform SDKs for React Native and soon Flutter. This creates an in-app, user-friendly mobile checkout experience just like the rest of your app. Our SDKs are regularly updated to improve performance continuously and can be combined with other solutions like risk management.

Support mobile express checkout options

Offering more payment methods and fast checkout options is pivotal to optimizing your mobile checkout. 9% of cart abandonment is due to not offering enough payment methods. Customers want a seamless payment flow from start to finish, consisting of as few clicks as possible. 

With fast checkout options, customers only need to enter their card details once. The information is then securely stored for future purchases, which they can complete with a single tap. Offering fast checkout options and more mobile-friendly payment methods is essential to optimizing your checkout. 

There are a few different options when it comes to express checkouts. Although the experiences are similar, the key difference is where customers store their details. One option is for the customer to create an account with the business and save their payment details through tokenization. Another option is to store card and shipping details with payment methods such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal, allowing fast one-click payments.

Customers can also store their details with major global card schemes, such as Mastercard or Visa, for Click to Pay. Click to Pay allows customers to pay within their existing card payment flow without manually entering card details at checkout. The payment process is the same, but instead of entering the card details, customers can use their Click to Pay cards that automatically appear on the screen. This brings the convenience of contactless payments to the online world. 

More and more digital wallets like CashApp, Venmo, Paypal, Apple Pay, and WeChat Pay are optimizing for mobile and in-app payments. This makes it easier than ever to pay on mobile. The card information is securely stored on a shopper’s device and released after authentication. 

With Adyen, you’ll always stay updated with the latest payment methods. We continuously release updated SDK versions with the most recent payment methods and express checkouts.

Increase security 

As more people start buying online, the risk of fraud increases. Native experiences are a safe option for online purchases as they have access to security capabilities, such as Two-factor authentication, Multi-factor authentication, and Biometric authentication (fingerprints, retina scans, or face ID). 

These security measures allow you to authenticate shoppers and complete the payment without redirects. Shoppers stay within the environment through every step of the payment process, increasing trust and creating more effortless payment experiences.

Another security measure that enhances the experience is Delegated Authentication. With Delegated Authentication, the issuer passes the authentication process to the acquirer (Adyen). This gives us more control to keep the same quality through every step of the payment process, contributing to a safe and seamless experience while reducing fraud and boosting conversion rates.

Improve mobile checkout conversion with Adyen

Payments are a fast-moving industry. By optimizing your checkout for mobile devices, you can provide your customers with the effortless payment experience they're looking for and the payment methods they prefer. 

Adyen offers everything you need to optimize your mobile checkout and create a consistent flow throughout the whole experience. You can choose the right SDKs for your business, the payment methods your customers want, and security measures to improve the experience. Are you ready to enhance your online checkout experience? Learn more here.

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