Amsterdam · May 21, 2019

Annual General Meeting 2019

Adyen is pleased to invite its shareholders for the Annual General Meeting on 21 May 2019, in Amsterdam:

  • Venue: Amsterdam, Hotel Jakarta - Javakade 766

  • Time: 09.30 (CEST)


Shareholders who wish to attend the meeting are required to notify ABN AMRO Bank N.V. through their financial intermediary. Notification via the financial intermediary can take place as of 24 April 2019, but no later than 17:00 hours CEST on 14 May 2019. Shareholders can also register themselves via In all circumstances, the intermediary will need to issue a statement via, no later than 12:00 hours CEST on 15 May 2019, stating that the shares were registered in the name of the holder thereof on the record date whereupon the holder will receive a proof of registration which will also serve as an admission ticket for the meeting. In addition, the intermediaries are requested to include the full address details of the relevant ultimate beneficial holders in order to be able to verify the shareholding on the Record Date in an efficient manner.