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3 ways payments can simplify how you do business

How can payments assist in simplifying your business processes and building the foundations for your future growth and success?

Fred Potter  ·  Adyen
12 November, 2020
 ·  4 minutes
Stylized representation of a person at a desk with abstract technology and communication elements

When running a business, often the aim is to keep things simple and avoid complexity. Yet many companies inadvertently walk into a tangle of operational mess. Let’s take retail as a case in point. Think of all the things you need to be successful: ecommerce software, accounting software, a payments platform, helpdesk software, and even supply chain management systems. Then you’ll need processes for returns, complaints, and internal procedures like inter-team requests and website updates. The list goes on.

It’s easy to solve problems without taking a long-term view.86% of respondents to a Harvard Business Review surveyclaimed that their business processes and decision-making had become so complex that it was hindering their ability to grow.

Like most problems, acknowledging their existence is the first step to overcoming them. There comes a point for every business, where to ensure scalable growth they need to stand back, take stock, and begin to examine each of their processes and how they can be improved. By removing complexity you can build the foundations of an agile business, capable of best serving the needs of your customers and the wider organization.

In this article we’ll zoom in on three areas payments can help overcome the barriers of complexity.

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